Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Flipped Classroom

I always admire those who come up with awesome names that capture the essence of complicated phenomena.  Well, I am not sure who invented the term, but flipped classroom (FC) is one of these terms that are becoming more and more popular.  My understanding of FC is to interchange the venue and focus of the classroom, from outside the physical classroom to the real physical space, from teacher-centered activities to student-centered activities, from individual work to team work, etc.

Even in the almost school-work free summer, I have already heard about/read FC twice.  Because it is summer and I am leaving in 2.5 hours to attend OPI workshop in Middleburry, I simply want to share this article, which basically have a run-down of how a flipped classroom looks like.  And in addition, the second time I heard about/read this cloud tool, Learning Catalytics, which allows teacher to post questions and access students' answers almost simultaneously.  It also allows students post question to each other and to access other related information global wise.

Here we go: (easy to read) (hard to read, but you can watch the video of the professors talking about their FC experience)

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