Friday, February 28, 2014

2014 CAIS Southern Regional Meeting-Active Language Learning Community 加州独立学校学会讲座-网络互动设计

A Very Short Chinese Version:
课外互动:voicethread, 布置回家作业最好用,
请看 如何使用。
一门课内互动-案例话题:旅游:animoto, google site. 第一二天,布置任务建立评分标准,建立初稿;第二三天,用google site的comment功能互相修改,完成做短片的准备工作;第四五天,用animoto (有网路和手机应用)制作短片;第五六天,用google site互相评论短片。
多门互动-案例话题:春节吉祥话,“话”友:第一二天,准备,学习不同表达法;第三天,录影/录音,在google site上发表,和别班分享;第四-五天,别班回复。
请看,如何使用animoto, google site.

Symbaloo, organization tool for online resource collection:顧老師(my collection)
Voicethread, interactive recording
Vocaroo, back-up online recording, no interactive feature
Animoto, online & app. video maker
Google Site, platform for work display, peer-peer/teacher-student interaction
Proficient Today, blog of my own experience of using these resources in class, 30 sec. quick video of all steps of all lessons

Lesson 1 Connect Outside Classroom
Voicethread $79.00/year, create unlimited content, add 50 members to a class group by uploading Excel roster
Best for interactive homework assignment

  • Step 1- Create, upload image or video, which can be recorded directly or uploaded
  • Step 2- Comment, record audio/text/video doodle, pointing out details in a image while recording 
  • Step 3-Share, generate a link, check "allow to comment", or email to the group directly.  Click "manage comment", so only the commenter and creator can see the thread.

Other benefits: recycle materials created for various purposes, threads can be copied without copying all comments or only with the creator's comment.
Read more about Voicethread:

Lesson 2 Connect Within One Class -Topic: Travel, Places
Animoto, free, 30 sec. video; $5/month or $30/year, 10 min. videos
Google Site, free
Best for in-class interaction, homework

  • Day 1-2, provide contexts (Suggestion of Where to Go/What to Do for Hosting Family and Exchange Students), create framework (guiding questions, create rubrics for giving suggestion), start creating work (1st draft of any sort, verbal, in writing, story board etc.).  Google Site can be used in any point to record the progression using commenting, editing google page.
  • Day 2-3, improve work, peer editing, finish materials needed for the movie. Use Google Site's commenting and replying (to comment) features. 
  • Day 3-4, produce movie.  Use Animoto, upload image, add text, add background, add music, all provided by the tool.  This tool is online and also has an app.  Work done on either platform is synced.  No need to borrow video cameras, one smart phone can let students finish the whole project. 
  • Day 4-Day 5, publish work, review others' work, comment. Again, use Google Site. At this point, students are very familiar with the functions and how to interact with each other's work. 

Read more about Animoto:

Lesson 3 Connect With Other Language Classes - Teach Spanish classes Chinese New Year Greeting, Make Voicethread friends with Chinese classes of different levels, Study Abroad Fair
Voicethread, Google Site, Animoto
Best for reaching out to other classes
  • Day 1-2, learn expressions/vocabulary, create one's own expressions.  i.e., read other's self-introduction, a pen pal letter, practice greetings with classmates.
  • Day 3, create videos for Spanish classes, record self-introduction and questions for Voicethread friend, organize materials for producing study abroad video.
  • Day 4, publish videos/recordings on Google Site, using comment or saved on Animoto account.
  • Day 5, other classes view the work and comment via Google Site, using reply, show study abroad videos at Study Abroad Fair open to the whole senior class.
And the interactive cycle continues, the community stays alive... :)

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